This video looks at STAR’s history, achievements, and what we can do to help.
Individual advocacy
One of the terms we refer too a lot is ‘individual advocacy’, but what does that mean?
This video explains what we mean by ‘individual advocacy’.
Another term we often use is ‘self-advocacy’.
This video explains what we mean by ‘self-advocacy’, and how STAR supports you to become a self-advocate.
Systemic Advocacy
The final term you might hear is ‘systemic advocacy’.
This video offers an explanation of systemic advocacy.
Welcome to Country
Jane Rosengrave is a proud Yorta Yorta woman and a disability advocate. She is also a long term member of STAR Victoria. We thank Aunty Jane for taking the time to create a Welcome to Country for us.
John’s Story
John Slattery is a long-standing member of STAR. In this video, he shares his story about growing up in institutions, and why inclusion matters.
Jane’s Story
Jane Rosengrave is a long term member of STAR. In this video, she shares her experiences growing up with an intellectual disability, and why inclusion matters.
In Conversation with Jane and John
In this video, Jane and John get together to discuss inclusive education.
2020 AGM
Every year STAR holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM). At the 2020 AGM, STAR included a presentation by Dr Margaret Spencer, of the University of Sydney, on her lived experience of supporting a parent with an intellectual disability. Dr Spencer agreed to a recording of her presentation so we could share it with a wider audience.
Inclusive Education
In 2019-2021, STAR ran a series of workshops, the ABCs of Inclusive Education, for parents and educators to learn more about the benefits of inclusive education and supports available for children with additional needs at school. In this short video, parents, STAR members and community partners talk about the benefits of inclusive education.